
 Becoming Elders in Times of Chaos

A six (or more) part workshop exploring and investigating the threshold between adult and elder in a relentlessly changing world. Although we experience the threshold specifically between 55 and 61 awareness and contemplation of the requirements of this crossing are useful to us throughout the elder years. This workshop is for anyone over the age of 55.

Each session explores an aspect of the symbolic journey from adult to elder. I believe that the experience of the threshold stays with us through the entire elder period of 29 years. Thresholds show us the path we are taking so no matter how old you are it is useful to investigate them. We look at the different planetary events through their archetypal meaning as mythic symbols as well as where they are specifically located in your chart. Astrology is an amazing language which allows us to explore archetypes quite personally. We do this through writing, visualizing and discussing.  The last class is meant to be a bit of an initiation into the realm of elderhood. We create it together. The classes take place over a few months to allow time for integrating the information.

Date: TBA
Cost: $500.00 +HST (sliding scale upon request)

For more information contact me: 416 436 6921 or juliemooninvirgo@gmail.com